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Writer's pictureLinda Kinning

Imagining the Future UI/UX of AI: Designing for Trust, Transparency, and Traceability

Every time a new technology enters the market, we witness a wave of innovation in design features that seek to better integrate this technology with human needs. Consider the dawn of social media—when platforms like Facebook and Twitter first appeared, they didn’t just connect people; they introduced entirely new ways of interacting with digital content. The newsfeed and the “like” button, once novel, are now ubiquitous across countless platforms, shaping how we engage online. These features were born from the realization that social interaction in the digital realm required new norms and tools, and they have since become so ingrained in our daily lives that it’s hard to imagine the internet without them.

But this phenomenon isn’t limited to the digital age. Take the advent of the automobile. When cars became widely available, there wasn’t just a need for transportation—there was a need for safety. As a result, design features like seatbelts, airbags, and speedometers were created to foster trust in this new mode of travel. These innovations transformed not only how cars were built but also how we perceive the very notion of safe driving. What was once a luxury is now a baseline expectation.

Today, we stand on the brink of another technological revolution: the era of artificial intelligence. AI is rapidly integrating into our technological systems, and we are living in what can only be described as a massive, unsupervised experiment.

Will AI be the tool that ushers in a utopia where all information is available at the click of a button, or will it become a force that destabilizes society as we know it? The answer depends not on the technology itself but on how we, as humans—individually and collectively—choose to design and use this tool.

In this pivotal moment, we are all called to be systems designers, whether we realize it or not. The questions of trust, transparency, and traceability are not just for engineers and ethicists to grapple with—they are questions that affect every one of us. How we answer them will shape the future of AI and, by extension, the future of our society.

Trust, Transparency, and Traceability: Defining the Future of AI Design

To understand the stakes, let’s define what we mean by trust, transparency, and traceability in AI products.

  • Trust refers to the confidence users have that an AI system will perform as expected, without misusing data or making biased decisions.

  • Transparency is the ability to understand how an AI system works, with clear explanations of its decision-making processes available to users.

  • Traceability is the capacity to track the origins, decisions, and actions of an AI system, ensuring that there is accountability for its behavior.

These principles aren’t just abstract concepts—they are the foundation upon which future AI products must be built. The most visible aspect of this design will be in the user interfaces and experiences that everyday people interact with.

So, how might we imagine the new standard design features for AI products? What will be the “like button” of this era?

The New Standard: Imagining Future AI Features

Perhaps no other public arena is as ripe for improved design than that of the media and how media is consumed online. The alarm bells about deepfakes, propaganda, and the complete collapse of a shared sense of media reality are rightfully blaring. These issues were well established before the proliferation of AI, but this technology is absolute rocket fuel for bad-actors driven to hijack public attention and wield storytelling for their own agenda.

But lost in this righteous fear is the imagination and possibility that AI could be used to clean up our media landscape and restore trust and accuracy. I want to open up our collective imagination on how we might be able to design standard AI UI/UX features to build trust, transparency, and traceability.

Imagine if our AI media products had...

1. Contextual Timeline Viewer
Imagine if a better designer did this?

This feature would provide users with a historical timeline of the topic being discussed in the article. By clicking on a "Timeline" icon, users can see key events related to the news story, with links to original sources and how the narrative has evolved over time. This helps in understanding the full context of current events, especially in complex stories with long histories.

2. Bias Meter
What if citations had the same attention-grabbing power as ads in our viewing experience?

An AI-powered Bias Meter could analyze the language and sourcing of the article to assess its potential bias. This tool would use linguistic models to detect slant and compare the diversity of sources cited to generate a bias rating. Users could see a simple gauge or scale indicating the potential bias, with a detailed breakdown available for those who want to explore further.

3. Sentiment Analysis Overlay

This feature would allow users to see a sentiment analysis of the reactions to the article across various platforms. By activating the Sentiment Analysis Overlay, users could get a visual representation (like a heat map or graph) of positive, negative, and neutral sentiments expressed in social media discussions and comments. This would provide insight into public reaction and foster a broader understanding of societal impacts.

4. Source Reliability Scoring
What if our UI/UX did the heavy lifting in developing a more media literate public?

This feature would assign a reliability score to each source mentioned within an article. The score would be based on historical data accuracy, editorial standards, and previous corrections or retractions. Users could click on any source name to get a detailed report card of the source's history, helping them gauge the reliability of the information presented.

5. Interactive Fact Check Bubbles

As users scroll through an article, interactive bubbles could appear next to statements that the AI identifies as needing verification. Clicking on a bubble would expand it to show a mini-fact-check, with evidence supporting or contradicting the statement. This feature would make the fact-checking process dynamic and integral to the reading experience, encouraging users to critically analyze information as they consume it.

An Invitation to Imagine

These scenarios are just a glimpse into a not-too-distant future where AI products are designed with trust, transparency, and traceability at their core. But these features won’t become standard on their own. It will take a collective effort—a movement, even—of designers, developers, policymakers, and users demanding and prioritizing these values.

So, as you go about your day, interacting with the AI systems that are already becoming a part of our daily lives, ask yourself: What would make you trust these systems more? How can transparency be more effectively woven into the products you use? What would a future where AI is fully traceable look like, and how might that change your relationship with technology?

The answers to these questions are not set in stone—they are for us to imagine, to design, and to bring into reality. Let’s create a future where AI not only serves us but does so in a way that is ethical, understandable, and accountable. Because the “like button” of the AI era isn’t just a feature—it’s a promise of a better, more trustworthy digital world.

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